mandag den 24. januar 2011

Why can't you just make normal food mom???

I love to try new recipes, love to experiment and make everything from scratch. It can be months between the same recipe showing up on the dinner table. My five kids usually never have any complaints.....except when I at times totally blow it, like the time when I first made okra. My oldest son still insist that it was glowing in the dark and could have replaced his then so popular slime in a can.
But then the other day my youngest daughter exclaimed:" Why can't you just make normal food mom??" LOL......maybe it is time for some stability in my culinary adventures..........nope, I think not. She can make normal food when she moves away from home. Besides I think my food is normal. So now I have decided to make this food blog to keep up with what we are eating and share recipes. Not so much for the world to see, but mostly for myself and my family.